Yesterday I had a day of outreach activities, especially dedicated to media interviews. The best part was talking remotely to a few hundred kids at the final Mission X Italian event in Rome. In the past weeks they have learned to eat healthy and train like an astronaut. I hope they will keep up those good habits! Today was a day of medical activities, including several exams required for my medical certification. That included a treadmill stress test in which the speed is increased progressively to maximum exertion, while the cardiovascular function is monitored. During this test we also measure VO2max, or the maximum oxygen uptake, a indicator of aerobic fitness. Here in Cologne we measure VO2max on the treadmill. In Houston I have additional sessions to measure it on the bike, so that it directly correlates to what we measure on orbit during the monthly PFE sessions (Periodic Fitness Assessment). In the picture you can see former ISS crewmember Thomas Reiter performing a PFE on the CEVIS cycloergometer. To measure oxygen uptake we use the portable Pulmonary Function System – I learned a few days ago how to set up all the connections and hoses: Finally, today I also had a briefing with my flight surgeon, Brigitte. We covered a number of topics, including for example the Private Medical Conferences (PMC) between surgeon and crewmember. PMCs are scheduled for 15 min every weekend and are an opportunity to discuss any medical issue on a privatized channel. Or, if everything is good, they are a good time for a chat with a friend! #SamLogbook  #Futura (Trad IT)  Traduzione in italiano a cura di +AstronautiNEWS qui: (Trad ES) Tradducción en español aquí: (Trad FR) Traduction en français par +Anne Cpamoa ici: