This week has started with a lot of events that really drive home the point that we are flying to space soon!
How about a meeting with the ISS program management yesterday? Or a four-hour brief with the flight control team on the current state of the ISS systems? Or being given our official “crew notebooks”, certified to fly to ISS? Or having my pre-flight on camera interview this morning?
And talking about lasts, I’m also carrying around a cooler for my final 48-hours urine collection… definitely one of the least glamorous and pleasant aspects of astronaut training!
Hey, today is also a big anniversary for our crew: exactly two years ago we started our NOLS expedition in Alaska. That’s when Butch, Terry and I first got to really know each other. Kimiya and Kjell, who shared that adventure with us, are now our backup crew. Hal is now the Exp 43 lead CAPCOM, while Thomas is still our Exp42 Lead Flight Director!
I shared a little bit of that story here:
Futura mission website (Italian): Avamposto42
#SamLogbook #Futura42
(Trad IT) Traduzione in italiano a cura di +AstronautiNEWS qui:
(Trad FR) Traduction en français par +Anne Cpamoa ici:
(Trad ES – Currently not updated) Tradducción en español aquí: