Half day of training fully devoted to science today before heading to the airport.
First thing in the morning my crewmates and I received brief presentations from a number of PIs (Principal Investigators) who are proposing experiments in which we would be required to serve as human subjects. It’s their opportunity to present the scientific value of their investigations and for us to ask any questions we might have about the experiment protocols and about any risks and constraints involved. Actually, the risks are typically really minimal: before an experiment makes it to this point, it has been reviewed at multiple levels to make sure there are no concerns for the subjects.
Then I had the chance to practice making an ultrasound of my eye. Not on my own, of course. As far as I understand, it takes years to train an ultrasound operator. But hopefully now I will be able to implement instructions properly when I’ll do this on Station under remote guidance from a ground-based operator.
Now it’s time to drive to the airport and catch that plane to Europe!