Besides Sokol suits and seat liners, as explained in yesterday’s Logbook, ISS crewmembers also get custom fitting ear plugs. On Friday I was scheduled for a final fit check, where I could wear them for some time while I worked on my computer to make sure that they are comfortable.
There is a simpler passive version and an active version that we use to take our periodic hearing assessment on ISS. As you might know, Station is pretty loud, mainly because of the significant number of fans that run continuously to force air circulation, thus providing mixing of atmosphere component, smoke detection capability and, in some cases, cooling of equipment.
Another very loud piece of machinery is the T2 treadmill, especially if you are a fast runner like Suni, whom you can see in the picture. I’m not a fast runner at all, but I’ll still make sure to wear ear protection on T2 as recommended by our flight surgeons.
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