Two long simulations today.
In the morning it was Cygnus rendez-vous and capture day with Terry and Butch at the robotic workstation, mainly working through different malfunction scenarios related to the robotic arm or the visiting vehicle.
In the afternoon I was solo in the ISS mockups practicing procedures related to water: collection of water samples, on-board microbiology testing and Total Carbon Analyzer operations and iodine testing with the spectrophotometer. We put iodine in the potable water lines to prevent bacterial growth, but we also remove that iodine before the water is dispensed for consumption. That’s why we periodically test for iodine to make sure the removal process is working well.
Today I’m also starting my very first Baseline Data Collection as a human subject. This morning I had an introduction to the instrumentation and in a couple of hours I will start a 36-hour monitoring period in which I will wear temperature sensors on my forehead and sternum. The aim is to record daily fluctuations as part of the ESA experiment “Circadian Rhythms”. As you can see in the picture, tomorrow will be a bandana day. The investigators kindly provided one with the experiment kit!
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