I was invited to lunch today!
Between morning and afternoon classes Anton and I had had a food tasting session of Russian space food here in Star City. We were joined by our backup crew: Oleg, Kimya and Kjell. Only our crewmate Terry was missing!
This is the first of eight “space lunches” in which we’ll be invited to try and evaluate the Russian menu. As a European astronaut I will eat primarily the NASA menu and the ESA bonus food onboard, but it’s good to know what the Russian colleagues have to offer. I’m sure there’s a lot of food trading going on onboard!
Some of the food rations will be dehydraded, others will be thermostabilized and only need to be heated. Unlike NASA and ESA thermostabilized items, which come in pouches, Russian ones typically come in cans not dissimilar from your typical tuna can from the supermarket.
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