Today I have spent the morning in the Orlan airlock ops simulator in Star City with fellow Shenanigan Alex, putting into practice what we learned last week about supporting a Russian EVA in the role of third operator. If you missed it, you can read a bit about that on this logbook.
Our Soyuz commanders, Anton and Maksim, were in the Orlan. The airlock ops simulator is one big room, it doesn’t have separate sections to reproduce the different modules of the Station. But it does have regular hatches, valves and pressure indicators, which is what we would work with during pre- and post-EVA operations. There is of course no change in pressure in the room, but all pressure gauges react according to our manipulation of the valves.
Here you can see a panorama of the simulator room:
And here’s Anton closing the hatch “to space”, the beginning of our repressurization and post-EVA procedures.
Also, here you can see pictures from some time ago when Alex and I went through the airlock training in the Orlan.
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