Yesterday Anton, Terry and I followed the prime crew, due to launch in May, to Mission Control Center – Moscow (MCC-M) for several hours of briefs concerning the content of their flight. As the backup crew, we need to have the same awareness, just in case.
Briefs covered everything, from the Sun angle expected at the time of docking to any abnormal behavior currently observed on the Russian segment of the Space Station. The latter is especially relevant for our Russian crewmates, of course, since it’s mainly up to them to take care of the Russian modules. I had not been at MCC-M, or ЦУП, since a visit with the other Shenanigans during basic training in 2010. Time flies!
Talking about mission content, we’ll have a theoretical exam next week, both about the Soyuz flight and the increment time on ISS. Today we had a preparatory session with our Soyuz instructor, in which we went over the different nominal and off-nominal profiles, as well as common crew actions.
We practiced answering questions like: in any given day, on what orbits is it possible to land in the nominal area in Kazakshan? (Answer: on the 16h, 1st, 2nd and 3rd).
In what orientation are the burns after insertion given? (Answer: the first two simply “forward”, the other two with a rotation calculated by the computer).
What is the crew expected to report about at the beginning of the 20-min com pass during the second orbit after injection? (Answer: leak checks, first two burns, any anomalies, readiness to perform test of manual controls). And so on, you get the idea.
I also had just now a short class on the body mass measurement system, the answer (or one of the answers) to the question: how do you weigh yourself in space? You can see the ground model of the system in the picture. In this video NASA astronaut Jeff Williams explains how it works:
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