Study day here in Star City. We planned a study session this afternoon with the prime crew to prepare for Tuesday’s theoretical exam on the flight program, in which we will be tested about our system knowledge and asked all kinds of questions about the nominal flight profile and all possible off-nominal “branches”.
Looking back at last week, on Friday Anton, Terry and I had our routine ops sim in the mockup of the Russian segment, a full dress rehearsal for our upcoming exam.
Like I mentioned in the L-215 logbook, as non Russian crewmembers Terry and I are not trained for complex tasks in the Russian modules, but we still had a busy day taking care of all kinds of routine activities. Before lunch I had already worked with hatches, the HAM radio system, the life support displays on the Russian laptop, the water distribution system, the photo and video equipment, the ventilation system and the com panels for a routine check with Anton. Of course I had also demonstrated my skills in changing the urine and solid waste container of the toilet. And coming close to lunch time Terry and I prepared some space food: we heated some cans in the food warmer and we rehydrated juice pouches.
Some more routine tasks in the afternoon, including taking water samples from the dispenser for analysis in the Total Organic Carbon Analyzer we have on ISS. And of course, at some point we had a an emergency scenario. A simulated Mission Control Houston called us to ask for a pressure verification, since they were showing an ongoing drop in their telemetry. And sure enough, also on our manual gauge (actually radio controlled by the instructors), the pressure was dropping. And so we pressed the emergency alarm, to initiate the vehicle’s auto-response, and off we were into the depressurization procedures.
A few more pictures here:
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