Following our exams last week and the joyful celebrations of Wednesday night, on Thursday Terry, Anton and myself joined the prime crew in a day of formal events and traditions.
It all started in the morning with a meeting of the interdepartmental commission responsible to evaluate our training. All our exam results were presented to the representatives of Roscosmos and several other Russian agencies, as well as ESA and NASA, and we were formally declared ready for the next step: quarantine and final training events in Baikonour.
Next was a short coffee break in which the doctor responsible for our quarantine made very clear to us – I guess especially to the prime crew – that the only way we can prevent ourselves from flying at this point is by getting sick or having an accident. And we were given a number of recommendations to avoid both, ranging from not shaking hands to avoiding crowded places.
After the press conference, we headed to the Star City museum for a traditional event: the signature of the guest book in Yuri Gagarin’s office. Of course Yuri didn’t have his office at the museum, but shortly after his premature death the office was reconstructed there will all the original furniture, objects and decorations. According to the tradition, before departing for Baikonour prime and backup crews take turns sitting down at the table and writing a few words in the guest book. It’s a moving moment!
Traditions continued in the afternoon….
(Trad IT) Traduzione in italiano a cura di +AstronautiNEWS qui:
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(Trad FR) Traduction en français par +Anne Cpamoa ici: