Training in Japan continues, in parallel to plenty of cultural experiences for Terry and myself. For example, yesterday our Japanese colleagues Soichi and Kimiya took us out during the lunch break to try the traditional savory pancake “okonomiyaki”. Very tasty!
We’ve had more JEM training, in particular on the thermal control system and on some maintenance tasks. To practice one of those, the change-out of the HEPA filter in the ventilation ducts, we got to go to the clean room. This is one really unique feature in Tsukuba: classroom, JEM and airlock mockups, robotic simulator and even mission control and clean room are very close to each other!
Today we got a refresher class on the JEM RMS, the robotic arm that is installed on the JEM Exposed Facility and is controlled by astronauts from the JEM. You can see it in the picture in a collaborative task with the SSRMS, which is the bigger Station robotic arm, also known as Canadarm2.
We get a lot of training in flying the SSMRS. Since the JEM RMS is quite similar and its operational envelope limited to the Exposed Facility area, we don’t need a lot of extra training on it. But we do have to become familiar with all the specificities in nomenclature, procedures and control interfaces, as well as with the physical environment in which JEM RMS operates and with the camera views that are available to monitor movement and clearances to structure.
Picture by Expedition 20
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