Early wakeup call this morning at 5am to drive to airport and catch my flight from Moscow to Frankfurt. Training is done and dusted for this year, I’ll resume on January 13th.
Talking about wakeup calls: in exactly one month ESA colleagues will send a wakeup call hundreds of millions of km into deep space. Waking up from a three-year long nap will be Rosetta, the comet chasing probe. No kidding: Rosetta will catch up with comet Churyumov-Gerasimenko and the Philae lander will hop on the comet. What a day it will be for our human quest for knowledge!
It’s been an amazing space adventure so far: check out a fun recap of Rosetta’s journey up to now:
Yesterday Terry, Anton and I had a manual docking sim together. Usually Anton and I practice that separately, so this was an occasion to see how we would approach this situation as a crew. But we also took some time for a shout-out to Rosetta – granted, my Vine skills need some honing, but it was in good spirit.
I’m sure you can do better, though. Upload your #wakeuprosetta video here – it’s cool and it’s a chance to win some cool prizes!
That’s all from this Logbook for this year. Catch up with you in 2014.. wait, did I say 2014? That’s the year I’m going to space!
Thank you all for your interest and support so far. Merry Christmas!
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