Since we use the Cupola as the prime workstation (there is a backup in the Lab), you might wonder why we need camera views at all, since we have a direct view through the windows. The reason is that we need overlays, i.e. extra information that is generated by the software and superimposed on the camera image. One big element is the corridor in which the vehicle is supposed to be during the approach. We also have a grapple volume overlay in which the grapple fixture needs to be for capture and a lot of telemetry data.
The central monitor has the end effector camera view with the grapple envelope overlay: the cross and the bars you can see in the picture. In the picture the vehicle is still too far, but when it holds position at the capture point, the target located next to the grapple fixture is in view.
The overlay allows us then to understand what translational and rotational corrections we need to make to align the end effector with the pin, as well as when we are at the right distance to press the trigger to close the snares.
Here are some more pictures of this training session:
Photo credit: NASA/Harnett
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