Really busy start of the week! Lots of classes today, from the Spheres payload (ZeroRobotics anyone?) to a refresher class on robotic support to EVA – that’s when we use the Canadarm2 to “fly” spacewalkers or large components from one place to another around Station.
I also had a class on EVA suit malfunctions, practicing what you do when you get an alarm message on your computer display, accompanied by an alarm sound in your headset. As you can see in the picture, we carry a small booklet attached to the left arm, which we call cuff checklist. This checklist contains the response actions to be taken in case we receive one of those alarms. For example, it helps us clarify whether the signature we get corresponds to a real problem with the suit or a sensor malfunction. And in case of a real problem, the checklist contains guidance on whether to terminate or abort an EVA, the second case being more serious and requiring an immediate return to the airlock for both crewmembers.
The picture is from yesterday, by the way, when I had a training session in the pool with my Expedition 43 crewmate and 1-year crewmember Scott Kelly.
Photo Credit: NASA/Stafford
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