Today is Columbus Day, a national holiday in the US. I’m doing some work to get ready for tomorrow’s underwater training in the NBL with crewmate Terry (see L-416 Logbook).
Most training runs in the NBL start in the airlock, which is of course where real spacewalks start. In the airlock we have a panel called UIA (Umbilical Interface Assembly) that acts as interface between the Station and the EMU suits providing power, oxygen and water. We don’t have a functioning UIA underwater of course, but we do have a passive mockup and periodically we go through the depressurization and repressurization checklist to familiarize ourselves with the motions.
Most of airlock operations we practice in a “dry” airlock mockup: in the picture you can see Terry working on the UIA during a training event.
(Photo credit: NASA/Stafford – Image: jsc2012e238218)
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