Today I spent a couple of hours in the Soyuz sim practicing manual rendez-vous and docking. Always nice to sit at the controls of the Soyuz and certainly very beneficial to refresh my skills a bit!
In the afternoon I had a long and detailed overview of all the equipment of the Russian segment that might be used in case of an emergency: gas masks and fire extinguishers, of course, but also power switches that you might want to turn off, valves you might want to actuate, hatches you might want to close – and there are several different hatch types in the Russian segment.
Actually, it seems that the crew on ISS is scheduled to do such a review tomorrow: as a basis for my class today we used a Radiogram (a Russian operational message to the crew) with tomorrow’s date!
We also went through a couple of scenarios to refresh the knowledge of the procedures. As you can see in the picture, at one point we had a fire in the FGB module.
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