Challenging day in the Orlan today!
With crewmate Sasha we showed up at the Hydrolab at 9:00 and, after seeing the doctor, we changed into our cooling undergarments and had some time to set up our tools and bags.
Then we had spent about four hours in the water practicing tasks mainly on the Mini Laboratory Module (MLM), a new Russian element that should be launched next year. You can see the MLM mockup in the picture showing the platform before it was lowered in the water.
Of course after the training we had a debrief with our instructors. I assure you, we were not posing in that debrief picture!
After a late lunch, there was still time to brief tomorrow’s Soyuz sim with my Soyuz commander Anton and our instructor. We’ll have our sim first thing tomorrow morning. Did I mention already that I love being in the Soyuz simulator?
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