Yesterday Terry and I spent most of the day learning more about the IMAX project, that I wrote about on Tuesday. Turns out that it’s not only about recording images, but also about properly capturing the sounds of the Space Station! Having spent a couple of hours listening to Greg talk about his job, which consists of putting the sound in movies, has likely changed my movie experience forever. There is so much work that I never even consciously perceived.
Later Terry and I had a familiarization class going through the so called Plug-in-Plan, which outlines what equipment is plugged into what electrical outlet on the Space Station and what are the restrictions and best practices for the crew to move stuff around, in the few cases in which we’re allowed to do that without guidance from the ground (computers, small battery chargers, portable lights, ..). It might sound strange to you that it’s such a big deal to plug something into a power supply, but Mission Control tracks the electrical load on each outlet, to make sure we don’t cause any trip and, consequently, the unplanned shutdown of equipment or science experiments.
This morning our full Soyuz crew was reunited for a so-called Megacode class, in which we practice a correct rescue response in case a crewmate suddenly needs cardio-pulmonary (CPR) resuscitation. Starting chest compressions immediately and quickly getting a defibrillator set up might save a friend’s life. In addition, we’re also trained to insert an intraosseous device, basically a needle into the bone marrow, that provides a fast and reliable way to get life-saving medications into the blood stream.
Starting CPR immediately dramatically increases the chances of survival of a person whose heart stops beating, on Earth as well on the Space Station. I hope you’re current on your CPR skills, you never know when you might be in the position of saving someone’s life!
Futura mission website (Italian): Avamposto42
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