Some more ATV training today at the European Astronaut Center for Sasha and myself.
This time we focused on the departure monitoring, meaning the procedures crewmembers work through with the ground on departure day to make sure ATV undocks from Station and performs a proper departure burn to put some safe distance between itself and the ISS. The next ATV is scheduled to launch and dock this summer and will still be docked to the service module in November, when I’ll arrive to Station.
When Sasha and I will do the departure monitoring for real on orbit, it will be quite an emotional moment for us and for the European space community: the departure of ATV5 Georges Lemaître will mark the end of the Automated Transfer Vehicle program, which included the successful missions of ATV1 Jules Verne, ATV2 Johannes Kepler, ATV3 Edoardo Amaldi and ATV4 Albert Einstein and has demonstrated robust operations and extremely precise automated docking technology. It will be with mixed feelings that we will watch it fly away and towards a destructive reentry into the atmosphere. Maybe you’ll catch it as a shooting star!
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