A day in the classroom today. Quite typical in the first year or so of the training flow, but pretty unusual these days, closer to flight. However, it does happen.
In the morning we spent 4 hours preparing for a routine ops sim in the Russian segment mockup on Friday. Anton is of course our resident expert on the Russian segment: he has specialist-level training on all the Russian modules. Terry and I only have user-level training, quite basic. We know how to use the toilet, get water, prepare food, use the communication panels; we know how to act in case of an emergency, we’re familiar with lights, electrical outlets, safety equipment and we have basic familiarity with the Russian control laptops. We can do simple routine maintenance tasks, like changing filter or replacing a full urine container. Beyond that, it’s really up to our Russian crewmates. Roles are reversed of course in the US, European and Japanese modules of the Station.
In our routine ops sim on Friday we’ll have our day planned according to a Russian daily scheduling radiogram, called Form 24. I am scheduled to replace filters, simulate using the toilet, get water samples, rehydrate meal pouches, heat food cans, have a HAM radio contact, change the solid waste container in the toilet, photo- and videodocument some activities and unstow some Progress cargo, updating the Inventory Management System. Most likely we’ll also have malfunctions and one emergency scenario thrown in.
In today’s prep brief the room was full of people, all the specialists for the different systems. One after the other, they all briefed us on the tasks concerning their area of expertise. In the picture, Terry and I are getting a review of the camera.
More classroom in the afternoon: a brief for our Soyuz sim tomorrow and prep for our upcoming exam on the content of Exp. 40/41, of which we are of course the backups.
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